Price Match Guarantee

Our Price Match Guarantee is our guarantee that we will match any price of a new part you find elsewhere. We only list our parts at the Minimum Advertised Price (MAP), which is the lowest price manufacturers allow retailers (like us) to sell their products at. If you find a lower priced part, please contact us with any of the following:

  • A link to the lower priced part you found online
  • A picture of a quote you received in person
  • A forwarded email with a quote you received via email


This Price Match Guarantee does not apply to:

  • Websites that have the same price as us, but offer a discount code that reduces the price below Minimum Advertised Price (MAP)
  • Websites that offer a part for less than us but don't actually have the part in stock.
  • Individuals reselling a part - where they bought the part new, never used it, and are reselling it (i.e. Ebay / Facebook listings).